Crop benefits

Castor bean: high profitability potential

 Castor is an excellent option for crop rotation given its agronomic benefits (listed below), while providing profitability potential for growers.

Regenerative Agriculture

Nematode Management

Data shows that castor bean’s RF (Reproduction Factor) for P. brachyurus and Meloidogyne spp. is less than 1 – this means it suppresses the main nematodes that affect agricultural production. Crop rotation with castor beans enables nematode management, providing potential benefits for subsequent crops.

Soil structuring

Castor bean roots characteristics:

  • Deep pivoting root;
  • Root capable of accessing deeper soil layers, providing soil restructuring;
  • Soil structuring for subsequent crops.

Water management

Lower water requirements throughout the cycle when compared to other crops, enabling crop rotation and risk management.

Low C/N (carbon/nitrogen) ratio

Castor bean’s low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio means crop remains and their nutrients are readily available in the soil for subsequent crops.